Orthopaedic / Total Knee Replacement

How Long Does Stiffness Last After Total Knee Replacement?

How Long Does Stiffness Last After Total Knee Replacement?
by admin
13th January 2023
5 minutes read

A total knee replacement or knee arthroplasty is one of the most common joint replacement surgeries. Here the worn-out or damaged portions of the knee are replaced with a prosthesis to eliminate pain and immobility. Most individuals may experience knee stiffness after the procedure resulting in a limited range of motion. This is normal and temporary. Let’s discuss the causes of knee stiffness after a knee replacement surgery and the ways of management. 

What is Knee Stiffness? How Does it Affect Your Daily Life?

Abnormal tightness in the knee joint is known as knee stiffness. It is a common complaint among the older population and those who are physically active. It may generally occur due to poor flexibility or muscular imbalance in the legs. Increased knee stiffness will have an adverse effect on your daily life. It limits your daily routine activities, leading to a sedentary (inactive) life. Weight gain, knee weakness, increased risk of arthritis (inflammation of the joint), and osteoporosis (a condition in which bones become weak and brittle) could be some of the adverse effects of knee stiffness.

What Causes Joint Stiffness After a Total Knee Replacement?

Even after successful surgery, postoperative complications like knee stiffness can occur. A tight feeling often characterizes it, and you may feel difficulty and discomfort when straightening out or bending your leg. The following factors can cause this stiffness:

  • Arthrofibrosis- It is also known as “Stiff Knee Syndrome”. Over time, scar tissue builds up inside the knee, causing the knee joint to shrink and tighten. Scar tissues can severely impact your knee’s range of motion.
  • Pre-existing stiffness before surgery– If you experience knee stiffness before surgery, you are more likely to experience it post-surgery.
  • Poor pain control– If you fail to follow your pain treatment plan, you may find exercising hard, limiting your range of motion.
  • Excessive scarring– If you have had any previous joint or knee surgeries, you may have an underlying scar. This increases your risk of postoperative knee stiffness because more scar tissue formation also leads to stiffness.
  • Health problems- Pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes can increase the risk of developing knee stiffness.
  • Improper positioning of the implant– Sometimes, the implant used to replicate the diseased knee is not properly positioned by the surgeon during the surgery. This causes pain, stiffness, and limitation of knee joint movements.

How Long Does The Stiffness Last?

Knee stiffness is the second most common complication after a total knee replacement surgery, after pain. It is common for 2 weeks to 3 months following the surgery. This stiffness reduces as your knee gets adjusted to the implants. As you start with your daily routine activities such as walking, climbing stairs, and getting up from a chair, you will see that the stiffness reduces and your mobility improves. If you experience knee stiffness beyond a year, it must be brought to your surgeon’s attention.

How to Treat Prolonged Knee Stiffness?

The treatment of stiffness after knee replacement depends on how long it has been since the surgery and the cause. The usual treatments for stiffness are:

  • Physical therapy
    • Within the first three months after the knee replacement, physical therapy is a useful treatment for stiff knees.
    • A new type of splint,  known as the ‘Dynamic Splint’, has shown some encouraging results when combined with physical therapy.
  • Manipulation under anesthesia
    • This procedure is useful in the first 6 to 12 weeks post-surgery.
    • Here, no incisions are made.
    • You will be given anesthesia through an IV.
    • Later, your surgeon will forcibly move the knee to break up the scar tissue.
  • Surgical removal of scar tissue
    • This is used in rare circumstances.
    • The scar tissue which causes the tissue to shrink and tighten is surgically removed.
  • Revision knee replacement
    • This is the recommended treatment when all the above options fail to relieve stiffness.
    • The bone cuts and the size of the new replacement can be modified to allow for a better range of motion.


Postoperative stiffness after a TKR surgery can occur due to a number of causes; hence it is important to speak to your surgeon if you are experiencing stiffness and a limited range of motion for more than 6 months post-surgery. To improve your flexibility and strength, it is recommended that you schedule regular appointments with your physical therapist throughout your recovery process. For expert advice on total knee replacement, make sure you consult the experts. We at Medfin can provide you with the finest doctors and excellent facilities.

Click To Know More About The Total Knee Replacement Surgery

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