Orthopaedic / Total Knee Replacement

How Painful is a Total Knee Replacement?

How Painful is a Total Knee Replacement?
by admin
6th January 2023
6 minutes read

Are you considering total knee replacement surgery? Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery is one of the most common and effective orthopedic knee surgeries in India. TKR surgery aims to relieve pain and improve mobility and, thus, the quality of your life. However, individuals often hesitate to opt for the procedure, assuming it is a painful process.

It is understandable that regardless of the level of joint pain you are experiencing before the surgery, adding more pain is scary. However, the procedure is completely painless as it is performed under anesthesia. Like any other surgery, TKR will also cause some amount of pain and discomfort after the procedure. Read on to understand more TKR and pain management.

What Can I Expect Post-TKR Surgery?

Our knees are complex joints; after the hip joints, our knees are the second largest joints in our body. A knee replacement is a complicated surgery that involves balancing ligaments, cutting into the bones of the knee joint, and replacing them with artificial implants (prostheses). The postoperative pain that occurs after a total knee replacement surgery occurs as the result of healing, stretching, bending, and rotating done by the knee as it gets adjusted to the artificial prosthesis. This is normal and temporary.

How Can I Ease The Pain?

You will be encouraged to get up and walk once you are stable after the procedure. This will be done under the guidance of your surgeon. Walking helps prevent the formation of blood clots. The pressure on the knee joint can initially be painful, and it will fade away as the joint heals and becomes more flexible. Your doctor will also prescribe pain medications that will provide relief. Following the post-operative instructions and undergoing physiotherapy will eventually help rid of pain and regain proper mobility. Fortunately, the advanced technology behind knee replacement surgeries and pain management methods has come a long way since the initial days when the procedure was introduced. Today, TKR surgeries involve less pain, and you can heal faster than ever before. 

Will I Have Severe Pain After a Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

As told earlier it is normal to experience some amount of pain after TKR, but severe pain unusual. You may experience more pain during the initial days after the surgery which will gradually decrease as you recover. It may take 6 months to fully recover from thesurgery and it is normal for you to have some pain and soreness at the surgical site during the healing process. However, if you are experiencing severe pain that does not subside with medications and is causing difficulty in movement, make sure to contact your surgeon in order to rule out any complications that require attention.

What Can Cause Knee Pain after a Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

Total knee replacements last up to 10 to 20 years, depending on the type of surgery (unilateral or bilateral) and the type of implant used. Most of these replacements do not cause any issues. If severe pain occurs after a knee replacement, it is typically due to one of the following reasons:

  • The implant becomes loose– This is generally caused due to wear-and-tear over time, high-impact sports, or obesity (overweight). This causes pain, instability in the knee, and a change in the alignment of the knee joint. The loosening of an implant mostly happens after years or decades of the surgery and is rarely a cause of pain right after the surgery.
  • Soft tissue irritation around the knees- Multiple tendons, ligaments, and muscles around the operated knee may become irritated with varying activities.
  • Secondary infection– This is generally rare, but if the infection sets in, it is difficult to treat the same with antibiotics. Hence, revision surgery may be necessary to get the infection under control. 
  • Kneecap (patella) problems– It is the common cause of pain after knee replacement. Significant forces are applied on the kneecap even with normal activities such as, walking down the stairs or getting up from a chair. It is technically quite challenging even for a skilled surgeon to get the kneecap to perform well with an artificial replacement.
  • Alignment problems– A poorly aligned implant may not function well, irrespective of the brand used. Surgeons are investigating if computer navigation will help improve implant alignment.

How Long Will I Need Pain Medications After a Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

Pain, swelling, and bruising are all normal after a total knee replacement surgery. You will be prescribed oral pain medications on the day of your discharge, which should be taken for the next few weeks. This period can vary from person to person depending on individual recovery rates. When the commonly used pain relievers do not provide enough relief, your doctor may prescribe stronger opioid painkillers. These medications should however be taken only under the supervision of your doctor.

Will Physical Therapy Help Ease Pain After TKR surgery?

The purpose of a total knee replacement surgery is to relieve pain in your knee joint and improve mobility. However, completing the surgery successfully is only one part of the solution. Post-surgical care also plays an important role to play in proper recovery. This involves physiotherapy and other measures that will promote a faster recovery. 

By following a proper physical therapy protocol, pain should reduce by the 3rd-week post-surgery. Some pain during these rehabilitation exercises is normal since it requires stretching and bending of the operated knee. However, if you experience severe pain even after the initial days, then make sure you consult your physiotherapist.

If you are experiencing knee pain and stiffness and would like to get expert advice, get in touch with our experienced orthopedic surgeons at Medfin.

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