Have you been in a situation where you have had pain in your lower abdomen or somewhere below your bladder? Or have you heard of someone you know, has experienced similar pain? Have you not been able to figure out why it is hurting there? And when you asked ‘that friend’ or people around you, have they told you that it is “Enlarged Prostate” or “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)”?
In case you think or you actually have Enlarged Prostate, then you might have some questions running in your mind. Read the following section, where we have tried to answer questions which you may have in your mind.
Doctors clearly don’t know what causes prostate enlargement. But, there are some risk factors and they are:
Doctors consider BPH as a part of men’s aging process. If you get treated for BPH or enlarged prostate, then there is nothing to worry about. But, if you ignore the condition, it may lead to urinary retention. This can act as a precursor to bladder damage or bladder stones, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and also cause damage to kidney.
If you have BPH, then it is better to consult a doctor. The doctors may suggest medications to shrink your prostate. These medications will prevent hormonal changes which might cause prostate growth. These medications might take up to 6 months to be effective. The other option to treat BPH is surgery.
If you have an enlarged prostate, then you should be looking for treatment options. In that case, you can feel better knowing that there are several treatment options for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Through these, yes BPH can be cured.
If you have Enlarged Prostate (BPH), then you should visit your doctor. He/she will see your condition and suggest treatment options. Enlarged Prostate treatment options are medications, surgery and herbal therapies.
If necessary, then doctors will prescribe medications depending on your condition. If you are looking for herbal therapies, then there are no scientific proof that any of the herbal therapies work. The surgical options for BPH include and are not limited to:
There is no scientific evidence about prostate shrinking naturally, but if you are opting to get treatment for it then yes, it can shrink. Consult a doctor, he will guide you through the process.
You can reduce the risk of enlarged prostate by adding food that contains certain vitamins and minerals. The food that you can add to your diet are:
There are herbal products in the market which claim to shrink the prostate. But there is no scientific proof that these products will work. And they are not regulated. So, it is better to consult your doctor for treatment options.
If you want to keep your prostate healthy, then you can avoid the following food in your diet.
If you have BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or Enlarged Prostate) then you should avoid coffee and caffeine in your diet.
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